compile rpm-4.0 source

Hello Unix experts,

I downloaded rpm-4.0 source from and tried to make it. There are something I could not understand.

  • and instead of Makefile
  • file INSTALL doesn't show clearly the steps of compiling

What are these 2 files, and What are they for?

Is there anyone who has experience of compiling rpm-4.0 source code? I'd like you to give me some tips.

I am using Red Hat Linux 6.0, kernel-2.2.5-15.i586.



After you read the README and INSTALL files, look for a file called configure. If that exists, run it: ./configure.

You may need to edit the Makefile later on to reflect your system, but that will require more specific steps.

Once configure has run (if it exists), simply type make. Some times there is an option to make install - that will place the binaries where the author thought they should go.

These steps will not cover every complilation, but it should give you the basic steps for most of them.


I tried it.
run ./confugure seems OK, but installation still failed. I know that I need to install other updated packages wanted by rpm-4.0.x after I read file INSTALL very carefully. Thank you, LivinFree.