Command Prompt changed to "mrbigglesworth" ?!?!

I recently installed mySQL on my macbook. I opened Terminal to run mySQL and entered "cd /usr/local/mysql/bin". My command prompt immediately changed to "mrbigglesworth:". I have no idea why that happened. When I look for the .bash_profile file, it doesn't seem to exist. I opened the .bash_history file and my recent commands don't show up. I'm concerned I've been hacked somehow. Does anyone have any thoughts?


.bashrc, .profile, .bash_profile, .bash_login and /etc/profile are not supposed to change your prompt on a cd call afaik ... you have most probably been hacked or at least downloaded a defective package ...

I figured it out. What I was seeing was the normal hostname portion of the prompt. This is configured, in OS X 10.8, in /etc/bashrc. It had nothing to do with the mySQL install. I had opened Terminal while on an employer's network and hadn't closed it. The hostname stayed with the instance of Terminal. When I closed Terminal at home and re-opened it the prompts were back to normal.


Glad it wasn't anything serious, otherwise I might have felt guilty for laughing at "mrbigglesworth". :wink:
