Command executing to be in the background !


I'm working to make in AIX script and I have some commands need to be excited by that script

Like the below commands ...

startsrc -s sshd

I want that executing to be in the background of the system I do not like to see the out put of that

to run in background :

startsrc �s sshd &


man nohup

... or even redirect the output from the script/commands to /dev/null:-

startsrc -s sshd >/dev/null 2>&1

The service is started as a deamon anyway.

What is so wrong with the output? Could this be started at system boot instead? The output would go to the console only then and you could set it to run before the console login prompt, so it will roll off natually.


If your target is not to display output of this command on screen then rbatte1's solution is correct. However suggested by ctsgnb, running command in background like this will display the output also if there is any.