Combining files(every 15 min) as one file(hourly)


My system is generating two files every 15 minutes and file names are given automatically as below. (98,99,89,90 are the sequence numbers)


I want to combine these files and generate only one file in every one hour as below.


How can i achieve this?

Try this... Test it first and then try on actual files...

ls | awk '{x=$0;sub(/...._[0-9]+$/,"",x); if(!f[x]){f[x]=x"0000_"sprintf("%08d", ++seq)} print "cat "$0">>"f[x]}' | bash

This will not delete the files, if you do want to delete it, append the rm command to the print statement.


Thanks Ahamed,

That script didnt combine the files. This created seperate files by hourly based.
I prefer to combine "15 minutes generated two different files" "hourly in one file"

You wanted File1_09242013131016_000000098 File1_09242013131516_000000099 to be combined to File3_09242013130000_00000002 and so on right?


There are two types of files named File1 and File2. File1 and File2 are being generated every 15 minutes interval.

Hourly, I want to combine them and generate only one file like named File3.

Just adding my 2 cents here.
Say you have the files a1.txt, b1.txt, c1.txt, d1.txt.
How about you try writing a script that performs the following operations:
1) Create a new file, say 1 and append the contents of each file into it:

cat a1 b1 c1 d1 > 1

2) Leave the 1 file intact and delete the other files:

rm *.txt

(or you can move them to a different directory)
Repeat the process for as long as you need, creating files with .txt extension every 15 minutes, then combining them into a file without extension, and then deleting the .txt files.
Hope it helps.


for i in 1 2 ; do for j in File$i*; do TGT=${j%????_*}0000_0000000$i; TGT=${TGT/[12]/3}; done; cat File$i* > $TGT; done

If files come in regularly, and you run this regularly, you'll need to either remove the quarter hourly files after cat ting, or make the j for loop somewhat more specific.