Combine two arrays. for in for ?..

Hello all,
I have 2 very long list of elements. f.e.:

List 1

1 2 3 4 5

List 2

a b c 

How can I combine the two with other. Like this:

1 a
1 b
1 c
2 a
2 b
2 c
3 a


Thank you in advance!

I made such construction, but it works very slow:(

declare -a itemid=($(cat ITEMID.txt))
declare -a elementen=($(cat elementen.txt))

for i in ${elementen[@]}
		for b in ${itemid[@]}
				db2 -x "select DOCID from ICMADMIN."$i" where ITEMID='"$b"'" && echo "$i"

You can save half of the memory by not storing in arrays.

set -f # for safety: no filename generation
for i in $(cat elementen.txt)
  for b in $(cat ITEMID.txt)
    db2 -x "select DOCID from ICMADMIN."$i" where ITEMID='"$b"'" && echo "$i"

bash even allows to replace $(cat ...) with $(< ...) .

1 Like


eval echo {$(tr ' ' , <ITEMID.txt)}{$(tr ' ' , <elementen.txt)} | fmt -1

--- Post updated at 17:50 ---

It's quite possible

eval echo {0..10}{$(tr ' ' , <file2)} | fmt -1

or even such

echo {1..5}{a..c} | fmt -1

--- Post updated at 17:58 ---

echo -n {1..5}{a..c} | xargs -d' ' -I{} echo {}

--- Post updated at 18:08 ---

I was wrong, did not pay attention to the command "db2"

--- Post updated at 18:37 ---

But continue, very interesting :slight_smile:

eval echo {$(tr ' ' , <ITEMID.txt)}\' \'{$(tr ' ' , <elementen.txt)} | fold -w4 |
    while read i b; do
        db2 -x "select DOCID from ICMADMIN."$i" where ITEMID='"$b"'" && echo "$i"

should change fold -w4 for grep -o '\w\+ \w\+'

How about trying, given your shell offers

  • the mapfile command
  • "here documents",

and db2 reads from stdin,

mapfile -td" " F1 < file1                                                                                               
mapfile -td" " F2 < file2                                                                                               
for i in ${F1
  do    db2 -x  <<< ${F2
[*]/#/select DOCID from ICMADMIN.$i where ITEMID= }
db2 -x
select DOCID from ICMADMIN.1 where ITEMID= a
select DOCID from ICMADMIN.1 where ITEMID= b
select DOCID from ICMADMIN.1 where ITEMID= c
db2 -x
select DOCID from ICMADMIN.2 where ITEMID= a
select DOCID from ICMADMIN.2 where ITEMID= b
select DOCID from ICMADMIN.2 where ITEMID= c
db2 -x
select DOCID from ICMADMIN.3 where ITEMID= a
select DOCID from ICMADMIN.3 where ITEMID= b
select DOCID from ICMADMIN.3 where ITEMID= c
db2 -x
select DOCID from ICMADMIN.4 where ITEMID= a
select DOCID from ICMADMIN.4 where ITEMID= b
select DOCID from ICMADMIN.4 where ITEMID= c
db2 -x
select DOCID from ICMADMIN.5 where ITEMID= a
select DOCID from ICMADMIN.5 where ITEMID= b
select DOCID from ICMADMIN.5 where ITEMID= c
1 Like

And I managed to throw out an extra command

eval echo -en "{$(tr ' ' , <file1)}' '{$(tr ' ' , <file2)}'\n'" |
    while read a b; do
        echo "$a $b"

--- Post updated at 20:12 ---

Just how do I know the length of the string?
getconf LINE_MAX ?

--- Post updated at 20:22 ---

it yields out even with such a set
echo -en {1..30000}' '{a..z}'\n'

--- Post updated at 20:33 ---

Or this expression echo {1..5} does not expand into a string like this echo {1,2,3,4,5}

--- Post updated at 20:43 ---

issued all 30,000 lines

for((i=1;i<30000; i++)); do echo -n "$i "; done >file1
eval echo -en "{$(tr ' ' , <file1)}' '{a..z}'\n'" | while read a b; do echo "$a.$b."; done


--- Post updated at 21:38 ---

for i in $(eval echo {$(tr ' ' , <file1)}_{$(tr ' ' , <file2)}); do
    echo "index ${i%_*} value ${i#*_}"

I would think that you are spending a lot of time in your loop repeatedly opening the database connection. Could you build all the queries into a single command file and execute one DB read? The output could be caught to a file or into a variable and then processed further. You might need to add extra columns to the output so you can tell which is from which query if that's necessary.

Can you tell us more about the overall aim of the process and perhaps we can help you towards a more efficient solution. The variable names don't give much away. Perhaps more meaning ful names (even if it takes marginally longer to type) will be far clearer to understand later on.

Kind regards,

Pertaining to post #1: Try:

join -12 -22 -o 1.1,2.1 <(xargs -n1 <file1) <(xargs -n1 <file2) 
1 Like

Immediately apologize for this disgrace, but it should work

eval echo -en "db2' '-x' \"'select' 'DOCID' 'from' \"'ICMADMIN.{$(tr ' ' , <file1)}'\"  where ITEMID=\"'{$(tr ' ' , <file2)}'\n'" | bash

Hello, thank you for your help.
the command
eval echo -en "db2' '-x' \"'select' 'DOCID' 'from' \"'ICMADMIN.{$(tr ' ' , <ITEMID.txt)}'\" where ITEMID=\"'{$(tr ' ' , <et.txt)}'\n'"

make an output:

If 'A1001001A18K15A90630F85271' is not a typo you can run the following command to lookup the package that contains the binary:
    command-not-found A1001001A18K15A90630F85271
-bash: A1001001A18K15A90630F85271: command not found

Try it like this, which will output?

eval echo -en "echo' '-x' \"'select' 'DOCID' 'from' \"'ICMADMIN.{$(tr ' ' , <ITEMID.txt)}'\" where ITEMID=\"'{$(tr ' ' , <et.txt)}'\n'"

--- Post updated at 12:53 ---

That's what I get

echo -x "select DOCID from "ICMADMIN.1" where ITEMID="a
 echo -x "select DOCID from "ICMADMIN.1" where ITEMID="b
 echo -x "select DOCID from "ICMADMIN.1" where ITEMID="c
 echo -x "select DOCID from "ICMADMIN.2" where ITEMID="a
 echo -x "select DOCID from "ICMADMIN.2" where ITEMID="b
 echo -x "select DOCID from "ICMADMIN.2" where ITEMID="c
 echo -x "select DOCID from "ICMADMIN.3" where ITEMID="a
 echo -x "select DOCID from "ICMADMIN.3" where ITEMID="b
 echo -x "select DOCID from "ICMADMIN.3" where ITEMID="c

--- Post updated at 12:54 ---

Is the file correct? <et.txt

--- Post updated at 13:02 ---

But please do not take my examples too seriously. Such lines are very difficult to debug and maintain.
You are pursue practical goals, and therefore it is better to pay attention to #2 and #6 post. IMHO
I think the main problem of a large execution time is precisely in the number of calls to the DB2 command

Here is the output:

If FHBPDM_DOC_05001 is not a typo you can run the following command to lookup the package that contains the binary:

    command-not-found FHBPDM_DOC_05001

Here is as example:

tail ITEMID.txt
tail et.txt
1 Like

The thing is that the files do not consist of a list as stated, but of the lines!

--- Post updated at 13:37 ---

it is very easy to solve

eval echo -ne "echo' '-x' \"'select' 'DOCID' 'from' \"'ICMADMIN.{$(tr '\n' , <ITEMID.txt)}'\" where ITEMID=\"'{$(tr '\n' , <et.txt)}'\n'"

--- Post updated at 13:42 ---

It works

eval echo -ne "echo' '-x' \"'select' 'DOCID' 'from' \"'ICMADMIN.{$(paste -sd, ITEMID.txt)}'\" where ITEMID=\"'{$(paste -sd, et.txt)}'\n'"
1 Like

now it's almoust works:


echo -x "select DOCID from "ICMADMIN.A1001001A19B20C31636F41449" where ITEMID="FFCPYA_DAT_01001

It should be like:

db2 -x "select DOCID from ICMADMIN.FFCPYA_DAT_01001 where ITEMID='A1001001A19D02A60150B20570'"
eval echo -ne "db2' '-x' \"'select' 'DOCID' 'from' \"'ICMADMIN.{$(paste -sd, ITEMID.txt)}'\" where ITEMID=\"'{$(paste -sd, et.txt)}'\n'" | bash

--- Post updated at 14:07 ---

Another variant

bash <(eval echo -ne "db2' '-x' \"'select' 'DOCID' 'from' \"'ICMADMIN.{$(paste -sd, ITEMID.txt)}'\" where ITEMID=\"'{$(paste -sd, et.txt)}'\n'")
1 Like

This command do it

eval echo -ne "db2' '-x' \"'select' 'DOCID' 'from' 'ICMADMIN.{$(paste -sd, et.tst)}' where ITEMID='\'{$(paste -sd, itid.tst)}\''\"\n'"
db2 -x "select DOCID from ICMADMIN.NNSPDM_PRI_01001 where ITEMID='A1001001A19D02A60150B20570'"
 db2 -x "select DOCID from ICMADMIN.NNSPDM_PRI_01001 where ITEMID='A1001001A19D02A60150B20572'"
 db2 -x "select DOCID from ICMADMIN.NNSPDM_PRI_01001 where ITEMID='A1001001A19D02A60150B20574'"
 db2 -x "select DOCID from ICMADMIN.NNSPDM_PRI_01001 where ITEMID='A1001001A19D02A60150E20578'"
 db2 -x "select DOCID from ICMADMIN.NNSPDM_PRI_01001 where ITEMID='A1001001A19D02A60150E20576'"
 db2 -x "select DOCID from ICMADMIN.NNSTDM_DOC_04001 where ITEMID='A1001001A19D02A60150B20570'"

but if I try do

bash <(eval echo -ne "db2' '-x' \"'select' 'DOCID' 'from' 'ICMADMIN.{$(paste -sd, et.tst)}' where ITEMID='\'{$(paste -sd, itid.tst)}\''\"\n'")
SQL1024N  A database connection does not exist.  SQLSTATE=08003
SQL1024N  A database connection does not exist.  SQLSTATE=08003
SQL1024N  A database connection does not exist.  SQLSTATE=08003
SQL1024N  A database connection does not exist.  SQLSTATE=08003
SQL1024N  A database connection does not exist.  SQLSTATE=08003
SQL1024N  A database connection does not exist.  SQLSTATE=08003

but the db2 connection is almost exists.

If I take a command with cut/paste i got no errors.

Well, I can absolutely accurately reproduce

eval echo -ne "db2' '-x' \"'select' 'DOCID' 'from' 'ICMADMIN.{$(paste -sd, et.tst)}' where ITEMID='\'{$(paste -sd, itid.tst)}\''\"\n'"
db2 -x "select DOCID from ICMADMIN.NZGPIM_DAT_01001 where ITEMID='A1001001A19D02A60150E20576'"

Now hopefully right

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The echo is correct, now should I make it executable.
The other variant works too:

join -12 -22 -o 1.1,2.1 <(xargs -n1 <et.tst) <(xargs -n1 <itid.tst) | 
while read a b; do
	eval echo -ne "db2' '-x' \"'select' 'DOCID' 'from' 'ICMADMIN."$a"' where ITEMID='\'"$b"\''\"\n'"
join -12 -22 -o 1.1,2.1 et.tst itid.tst |
while read a b; do
    db2 -x "select DOCID from ICMADMIN.$a where ITEMID='$b'"

Reread I fixed the code

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I made the script with

#!/bin/bash -x
+ join -12 -22 -o 1.1,2.1 et.tst itid.tst
+ read a b
+ db2 -x 'select DOCID from ICMADMIN.NNSPDM_PRI_01001 where ITEMID='\''A1001001A19D02A60150B20570'\'''
SQL1024N  A database connection does not exist.  SQLSTATE=08003


My advice. Just make sure that one line is executed without any cycles.
Then the working sample will be conveniently substitute in script

db2 -x "select DOCID from ICMADMIN.NNSPDM_PRI_01001 where ITEMID='A1001001A19D02A60150B20570'"

I have nothing to check, I have not installed db2