Column operation : cosne and sine operation

I have a txt file with several columns and i want to peform an operation on two columns and output it to a new txt file .


900.00000               1           1           1
  1.45257346E-07   899.10834       67.780083      -3.0000000       6.9356270          0      4
  3.36595804E-07   854.32300       67.787216      -2.0000000      -5.6963296          0      4
  4.59328561E-07   764.32300       67.784538       2.0000000      -3.8667135          0      4
  8.10901852E-08   809.10840       67.784058       3.0000000       5.9845576          0      4

I want to consider the first column from line 7
i= complex number exp(ix)= cosx +i sinx , pi =3.14

operation = 1.45257346E-07 * exp (899.10834 * i * pi/180)

general expression = (first column number) * exp (second column number *  i * 0.0174)

Homework? What's the value of i?

awk 'NR>=7 {print $1*exp($2* 3.14/180)}' infile

you can adjust it by add i in it.

No not

No, its no an homework. Its an output file from modelling software, i have to perform the fft and fftshift operation in order to find the channel impulse response.

channel impulse response is given by tht complex number formed in the previous question.

That's fine. So is above code suitable for you?