clrs create error, sun cluster 3.2

on 2 node x86-cluster, I 'm trying to configure Mysql with failover zfs,

I could create resource group and logicalhostname for mysql but resource creation fails, probably because the same Zpool was used for creating another HAstorageplus storage resource.

the zfs which mysql is going to use for --datadir is part of this zpool, I wonder how the command should be modified in order to create this mysql storage resource

clresource create -g mysql-rg -t SUNW.HAStoragePlus -p Zpools=mypool mysql-hasp-rs
clresource:  clnode2:global - The ZFS pool 'mypool' is already configured in the resource mypool-hastp-rs.
clresource:  (C189917) VALIDATE on resource mysql-hasp-rs, resource group mysql-rg, exited with non-zero exit status.
clresource:  (C720144) Validation of resource mysql-hasp-rs in resource group mysql-rg on node clnode2 failed.
clresource:  (C891200) Failed to create resource "mysql-hasp-rs".

Any idea?
