closed-source application & CygWin

Is it possible to install closed-source applications on CygWin?

I should hope so. Just as much as I should hope it's possible to install open-source products on Windows.

CygWin isn't an Operating Sysyem, so you don't install software on it, so I don't really understand your question.

I guess I wanted to know if I should do something different or if there are any particular tricks or details I should be aware of.

If I'm honest, I never use CygWin (can't see much point to it), but it's a guest sitting on top of a host - Windows - and anything you install, you install in Windows.

To that end, you can install whatever you like, so long as it runs in Windows, it will run in CygWin.

Or is that too simplistic?

I am trying to install an application (closed-source) that is meant to be installed on Red Hat. I would like to be able to install it on CygWin so I can use it in both boxes (Linux & Windows). That will be really easy.
I am also exploring VM or VB along with Fedora as an alternative.

You can't "install" an application built to run on one OS (Linux) on another OS (Windows).

You have to build (compile) it from the source.

Being "closed" doesn't necessarily mean that the source code isn't available to you, but without it, your chances are slim!

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CygWin doesn't run Linux binary executables.


Thanks! I guess my only option will be VM or VB with Red Hat.