Client/intruder scanner for lan


I'm totally new here. I have a script that I am working on, but so far it is not rock solid in its performance. Perhaps someone can tell me if i am thinking wrong anywhere. Below the code:

#! /bin/bash                                                                   

cd /home/pi/int_lib
# where macadresser resides
echo Running nmap and arp to scan the network...
echo These machines are connected to Yakuza_III:

for word in $(nmap -sL | grep "(192" | grep -ioE '([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}' | grep -v -)

# Run nmap to scan for machines in local network 
# (tried nmap -sn - which didn't echo all active clients
#   - thus switched to -sL filtering out the items listed as no answer)
# -sL still doesn't seem to echo all machines connected

# nmap found a host at $word. Pinging it to plant the mac in arp table
    ping -c 1 $word > nil:
    mac=$(arp $word | grep -ioE '([A-Fa-f0-9]{2}:){5}[A-Fa-f0-9]{2}')
    if [ -z $mac ]
    # mac might be empty since current machine may be down
	echo $word: This machine seems to be down...
    # get current machines macaddress
	if grep -q $mac macadresser

        # check for previous record of this machine
            echo $word: $(cat macadresser | grep $mac)

        # machine not found. adding line ...

            current_time=$(date +%Y-%m-%d%kh%Mm%Ss)
            echo ... $mac at $word is new for us...
            nl=$(echo $mac $(echo $(arp $word) | cut -d " " -f 7) at $current_time)
            echo Adding $nl to macadresser. Use maced to edit if desired...

            # maced is a script calling emacs on macadresser

            echo $nl >> macadresser

            # make a new record last in macadresser


            # and signal to exit that something has occurred

current_time=$(date +%Y-%m-%d%kh%Mm%Ss)
if [ $hit==no_intruder ]

# script found no intruders
    echo $current_time: Nothing to report... >> intr_log.txt

# add a line to the log

    echo $current_time: One or more intruders reported! See macadresser >> intr_log.txt

# add a line to the log

    echo We had an intruder! Read int_lib/macadresser >> intr_log.txt

This script doesn't report all machines in the network all the time, it omits machines... so far I have noticed that nmap -sL is clicking from time to time...

Thankful for any help. Bye for now.

--- Post updated at 06:25 PM ---

Hi again. Here are some runs of nmap:

pi@Ono-Sendai_II:~$ nmap -sL | grep "(192"
Nmap scan report for (
Nmap scan report for Eriks-fonan.lan (
Nmap scan report for nas-79-71-C5.lan (
Nmap scan report for AnnaKrinsiPhone.lan (
Nmap scan report for SonosZB.lan (
Nmap scan report for Hosaka-III.lan (
Nmap scan report for Samsung-TV.lan (
Nmap scan report for Skrivare.lan (
pi@Ono-Sendai_II:~$ nmap -sL | grep "(192"
Nmap scan report for (
Nmap scan report for SonosZP.lan (
Nmap scan report for Sino-Logic-IV.lan (
Nmap scan report for nas-84-CC-E3.lan (
Nmap scan report for AnnaKrinsiPhone.lan (
Nmap scan report for Hosaka-III.lan (
Nmap scan report for Samsung-TV.lan (
Nmap scan report for Skrivare.lan (
pi@Ono-Sendai_II:~$ nmap -sL | grep "(192"
Nmap scan report for (
Nmap scan report for SonosZP.lan (
Nmap scan report for Eriks-fonan.lan (
Nmap scan report for nas-79-71-C5.lan (
Nmap scan report for Google-Home-Mini.lan (
Nmap scan report for AnnaKrinsiPhone.lan (
Nmap scan report for SonosZB.lan (
Nmap scan report for Hosaka-III.lan (
Nmap scan report for Samsung-TV.lan (
Nmap scan report for Skrivare.lan (
pi@Ono-Sendai_II:~$ nmap -sL | grep "(192"
Nmap scan report for (
Nmap scan report for SonosZP.lan (
Nmap scan report for nas-79-71-C5.lan (
Nmap scan report for Google-Home-Mini.lan (
Nmap scan report for Apple-TV.lan (
Nmap scan report for AnnaKrinsiPhone.lan (
Nmap scan report for SonosZB.lan (
Nmap scan report for Hosaka-III.lan (
Nmap scan report for Samsung-TV.lan (
Nmap scan report for Skrivare.lan (

My two NAS-items seem to alternate between runs... I don't know if there is some latency issue at work here... ? The nmap runs are performed with one sec interval
