Client in C++ , Server in Java ,Can they talk ???

Hello !!!!! , I am trying to develop a very simple client/server program using Sockets and the TCP/IP protocol.The client must be in C++ and the Server in Java , i was told that those two could talk to each other easily, but i can not make that happen.

All i need is a very very simple example code that could send a String between those two programs.Have a nice day :slight_smile:

UDP and TCP sockets are (basically) device and language independent. You should make sure that both sides speak the same protocol, meaning if you try to transfer a Java/C++ object (like a string), make sure that the other side can parse that. Best (for a simple example) would be to send basic ASCII characters only.

A good starting point for socket programming in general is Beej's Guide to Network Programming

Thx a lot :slight_smile: