Clear screen in NAWK

Hello guys,

I wonder if it is possible to clear out the screen in AWK.
I'm printing out mail messages and I would like every message starting on the beginning of the screen. When I use FOR loop and printf("\n") it clears out the screen but my text is somewhere in the middle of the screen.

THX a lot.


awk 'BEGIN{esc=27}
      { printf "%c2J%s\n", esc, $0 } ' filename 

Perhaps capture tput commands using getline then use them later in printf, e.g...

        "tput clear" | getline Clear
        "tput cuu1"  | getline CursorUp
         printf Clear
         print "Line 1"
         print "Line 2"
         printf CursorUp
         print "Line two - overwrite"
         print "Line 3"