Checking the user input in perl for characters and length

My question is basically as the title says. How can I check a user inputted string is only certain characters long (for example, 3 characters long) and how do I check a user inputted string only contains certain characters (for example, it should only contain the characters 'u', 'a', 'g', and 'c') all in perl.

Test with it:

use strict;
use warnings;

print "Please, choose three of the following characters (u,a,g or c): ";
my $answer = <STDIN>;
chomp $answer;
if ($answer =~ /^[uagc]{3}$/) {
    print "Your choice is accepted\n";
else {
    print "Your choice is rejected\n";

Thanks Aia! I have another question actually. In Perl, how do you declare multiple keys to one value when it comes to hashes?

An example would be, say, I want four keys known as 'acg', 'acc', 'aca', and 'caa' to one value known as 'Phr'. And two keys known as 'gaa' and 'gac' to one value known as 'Rea'.


use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;

my @phr = qw(acg acc aca caa); # used on method 1

my (%phrhash, %reahash);
@phrhash{@phr} = ('Phr') x @phr; # method 1
@reahash{'gaa', 'gac'} = qw(Rea Rea); # method 2

print Dumper \%phrhash;
print Dumper \%reahash;


$VAR1 = {
          'aca' => 'Phr',
          'caa' => 'Phr',
          'acg' => 'Phr',
          'acc' => 'Phr'
$VAR1 = {
          'gaa' => 'Rea',
          'gac' => 'Rea'
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Thank you Aia!