checking of GNU C Complier version


How do i check the GNU C Complier my system is running?


Cant understand you question, are you saying you want to find out whther your system contains GNU C Compiler or you want to code a c program to check whther your system is running or not ?
Neway if you wanted to check your system contains c compiler its simple, try to do a man gcc or gcc --version if your get any output then your system is configured with c compiler, instead your recieve a unknown command means your system doesnt have a GNU C compiler. Do post back if this does help.

Hi killerserv

Yes, this method does work for some of my machine.

Why is it that I have the C complier residue in the /usr/local for all my Ultra1 & 2 machine but when I issue the "gcc --version", some machine reflects me the version wherelse some response " gcc:command not found". I used the same user account throughout to verify the version.
