Check invalid user account


How to check invalid user account?

invalid condition:

  1. without home directory
  2. home directory is empty
  3. no home directory
  4. no shell
  5. no passwd


Which part are you having trouble with? If you get a bit of a structure built to begin with, you'll find the rest will probably fall into place, then we can help out wherever you hit a snag :slight_smile:

here's something to start with (using Perl):

use strict;
while (<>) {
        my @line = split /:/, ;
        print "home directory is not defined for user $line[0]\n"  unless ($line[5]);
        print "shell is not defined for user $line[0]\n"           unless ($line[6]);

run this script as:

perl /etc/passwd

Ironically, none of those conditions are illegal. UNIX often uses accounts that cannot login to perform services.

True! And, to expand on this, usually "nobody" doesn't need a password, "root" doesn't have its own home directory, etc., etc.

Maybe my olfactory system is too easily excited, but i thought i could smell the foul odor of homework being done here.


i had smelled it too, but am in good mood today, and wrote those lines.