Check if an application is accessible when trying to use http://localhost in Unix

Hm am the perfect newbie:o

I handle an application on a production servers having a SunOS 5.8 and iplanet webserver instance. Users trying to access it on https are getting "Cannot find the server". I checked with the n/w and secuirty and they said traffic is allowed to the server. Everything was fine till yesterday.

Now I want to check if the server instance is working fine. In windows I could have accessed it as htps://localhost/myapp in a browser to confirm it.

Is there a way I can do this on Unix. Any chance to type in a url and get something back which could be useful

Thanks in advance

Jimmy is trying to walk for the first time:)

Sure, the same way should work the same.

Open a browser on Unix and try accessing https://localhost/myapp

That might not work if the server is bound to a specific IP address. In that case, use that address instead of localhost in the URL.

Oh i should have said that I access the Unix using putty.exe So there is no way I can open a browser (shee again am exposing my wisdom, is it possible in Unix to open a browser)

Also from Windows I need to give https://servername/myapp which definitley is not working. So I wanted to check in Unix to see if https://localhost/myapp will work on the server where application is deployed. This would help me to understand if this is a server problem or is it a network issue.

Sure, the first web browsers like NCSA Mosaic were already running on Unix some 15 years ago.

On the Solaris machine, try "telnet localhost 443" or better "telnet servername 443". If you got "Connection refused", the server might have some trouble.

Alternative commands that might help:

ifconfig -a
ping servername
netstat -an | grep 443

$ telnet localhost 443
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
$ telnet myserver 443
Trying to connect <ip>
Connected to myserver.

So I guess it is able to connect. Also I was updated that the port is fine, if not there would be mail notifications flowing out...

Is there some command along which I can give the url am trying to access?

Solaris 8 has no standard command to do that. Newer releases have wget bundled.

You might have a look at the web server access and error logs.

Yep, that was what I had always looked for when ever an issue comes, but in this case access logs are not updated, the only lines in the error logs are related to info and warning. These messages used to come now and then even when everything was working fine, one regarding maximum number of session and the other related to default SessionManager being used