Changing one column of delimited file column to fixed width column

Hi, Iam new to unix. I have one input file .

Input file :


I need output such that only first column should change to fixed width column of 15 characters of length.

Output File:

ID1<<12 spaces>>Name1~Place1
ID2<<12 spaces>>Name2~Place2
ID3<<12 spaces>>Name3~Place3

Thanks in advance.

awk -F"~" '{printf("%-15s%s~%s\n", $1,$2,$3)}' inputfile
ID1            Name1~Place1
ID2            Name2~Place2
ID3            Name3~Place3

:b: It works .............. Thanks Zaxxon

please disregard this post of mine.thanks!

this will also do

printf "%-15s%s~%s\n" $(tr '~' ' '<inputfile)
nawk -F"~" '{printf("%-15s%s~%s\n",$1,$2,$3)}' yourfile