Change one line to multiple

I did help some at another forum to change one line to multiple lines.

var1="abc001: text goes here yyy003: text goes here uuuu004: text goes here"

Running this awk , gives correct result, but its not very nice. Any idea on how to simplify it?

awk '{for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) printf $i~":"?"\n"$i" ":$i" "}' <<< "$var1"| awk 'NF {sub(/:/,x);print}'
abc001 text goes here
yyy003 text goes here
uuuu004 text goes here

Change to one line, remove :

awk '{ gsub(/([^ ]*): /, "\n\1"); sub(/^\n/,""); } 1'

Thanks Corona, but hostname is missing.

Another awk

awk '{gsub(/[a-zA-Z]+[0-9]+/,"\n&");gsub(/:|^\n/,x)}1' <<< "$var1"
abc001 text goes here
yyy003 text goes here
uuuu004 text goes here

^/n did help me to remove the blank line

Perl solution:

perl -0pe 's/://;s/(\w+):/\n$1/g' <<< "$var1"
1 Like


One more approach.

echo $var1  | awk 'gsub(/\:/,X) gsub(/here /,"here\n");'

Output will be as folllows.

abc001 text goes here
yyy003 text goes here
uuuu004 text goes here

R. Singh

Will not work, sine this is just an example text and it will change.
One static is the :

You could also do bartus11's trick in sed:

sed -r 's/://;s/(\w+):/\n\1/g' <<< "$var1"
sed -r 's/([^[:space:]]*):/\n\1/g' <<<"$var1"

abc001 text goes here 
yyy003 text goes here 
uuuu004 text goes here