CentOS VPS Server Apache Alias


We have a hosted CentOS 6 VPS server, using CPanel to install/config the domains/subdomains and installed osTicket in:


We are trying to define the following Apache alias:


which has to point to:


CPanel installs the domain admin user at:


and the domain is at:


Since Apache runs at /etc/httpd/

and includes the directory /etc/httpd/conf.d/

I created file /etc/httpd/conf.d/alias.conf with this definition:

    Alias "/tickets" "/home/myuser/public_html/tkng/upload" 

                      <Directory "/home/myuser/public_html/tkng/"> 

                           Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks 

                          AllowOverride All 

                          Require all granted 


This has no effect!

Some of what I read suggest putting the alias in the domain .htaccess file, others say I need a symlink. Some others say I need a different path statment but not sure if they are talking about making the symlink first and using that path or not.

What I can tell is that CPanel makes setting up an Directory Alias very difficult and there is a page labels Aliases inside of CPanel which is not aliases at all but instead Virtual Domains.

Need some help here to get this concept right to finally be able to get a working alias.

Going to also install some other apps on this domain, so getting this first alias right is critical.
