Centos 7.2 Convert single LVM to RAID Mirror Reinstall BootLoader

I am trying to convert a single-drive Centos 7.2 installation with LVM into a two-disk mdadm mirror with mrrored LVM. I was able to follow the excellent instructions at:


and did create a two-disk mirror of both the original boot partition and the LVM partition. When I boot off a live Centos 7.2 DVD with the mirrored drives installed it does find the mirrors, and I can fsck and mount the boot and LVM filesystems in it.

[root@new-host-4 ~]# lsblk
sda                 8:0    0 465.8G  0 disk  
sda1              8:1    0     1G  0 part  
 md126           9:126  0  1024M  0 raid1 
sda2              8:2    0   115G  0 part  
  md127           9:127  0   115G  0 raid1 
    centos-root 253:3    0    40G  0 lvm   
    centos-swap 253:4    0     9G  0 lvm   
    centos-home 253:5    0    25G  0 lvm   
    centos-var  253:6    0    40G  0 lvm   
sdb                 8:16   0 465.8G  0 disk  
sdb1              8:17   0     1G  0 part  
 md126           9:126  0  1024M  0 raid1 
sdb2              8:18   0   115G  0 part  
  md127           9:127  0   115G  0 raid1 
    centos-root 253:3    0    40G  0 lvm   
    centos-swap 253:4    0     9G  0 lvm   
    centos-home 253:5    0    25G  0 lvm   
    centos-var  253:6    0    40G  0 lvm   
sr0                11:0    1   4.4G  0 rom   /run/initramfs/live
loop0               7:0    0    20K  1 loop  
loop1               7:1    0   4.3M  1 loop  
live-osimg-min  253:2    0     8G  1 dm    
loop2               7:2    0     1G  1 loop  
loop3               7:3    0     8G  1 loop  
live-rw         253:0    0     8G  0 dm    /
live-base       253:1    0     8G  1 dm    
live-osimg-min  253:2    0     8G  1 dm    
loop4               7:4    0   512M  0 loop  
live-rw         253:0    0     8G  0 dm    /
[root@new-host-4 ~]# 

However these instructions are specific to Centos 6, and the section for installing a bootloader on the new mirror completely does not apply in Centos 7. In Centos 7.2 there does not seem to be any commandline utility that provides a "grub>" command prompt, ant the grub binary itself is replaced by a bunch of "grub2-*" executables.

Can anyone explain how to reinstall the bootloader on the new mirror? The Centos 6 instructions say it must be installed separately on sda1 and sdb1.

Did you tried

grub-install /dev/sda
