cast from const void* to unsigned int loses precision

Hello everey one,

here i am attempting to compile a c++ project .it's throughing the following errors.

my machine details are as follows:

Linux chmclozr0119 2.6.18-53.el5 #1 SMP Wed Oct 10 16:34:19 EDT 2007 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Generating /root/cc/unix-ce/root/subsys/cb/cdbg/obj_sched_csvON/Linux//cdbg_CDBSP_cdbRS.o from cdbg_CDBSP_cdbRS.C
        /usr/bin/c++ -c -g -DDEBUG -DMAT  -I/root/cc/unix-ce/mvfs/3pp/rogueTools.h/v7.0.3/               -I/root/cc/unix-ce/root/subsys/cb/cdbg/src -I/root/cc/unix-ce/root/subsys/cb/cdbg/obj_sched_csvON/Linux/ -I/root/cc/unix-ce/root/subsys/lib/Linux -I/root/cc/unix-ce/root/subsys/cb/cdbg/include -I/root/cc/unix-ce/root/subsys/include -I/opt/dce/include -I/opt/dce/include/dce -DUSE_FREE_DCE  -I/root/cc/unix-ce/root/3pp/include/Linux -I/usr/include/X11 -I/usr/X11R6/include    -D_GNU_SOURCE   -DLINUX -DUSE_SHADOW -DUCE_SSH -DIDL_CHAR_IS_CHAR -D_REENTRANT -fsigned-char -DCXX_VERSION=4.1.2 -DRW_MULTI_THREAD -DSNACC_DEEP_COPY  -DSWP_CDBG_sched_csvON  -o /root/cc/unix-ce/root/subsys/cb/cdbg/obj_sched_csvON/Linux//cdbg_CDBSP_cdbRS.o cdbg_CDBSP_cdbRS.C
In file included from /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.1.2/../../../../include/c++/4.1.2/backward/iostream.h:31,
                 from cdbg_CDBSP_cdbRS.C:30:
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.1.2/../../../../include/c++/4.1.2/backward/backward_warning.h:32:2: warning: #warning This file includes at least one deprecated or antiquated header. Please consider using one of the 32 headers found in section of the C++ standard. Examples include substituting the <X> header for the <X.h> header for C++ includes, or <iostream> instead of the deprecated header <iostream.h>. To disable this warning use -Wno-deprecated.
ERROR 1) /root/cc/unix-ce/mvfs/3pp/rogueTools.h/v7.0.3/rw/defs.h:542: error: using typedef-name �std::istream� after �class�
ERROR 2)/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.1.2/../../../../include/c++/4.1.2/iosfwd:137: error: �std::istream� has a previous declaration here
ERROR 3)/root/cc/unix-ce/mvfs/3pp/rogueTools.h/v7.0.3/rw/defs.h:543: error: using typedef-name �std::ostream� after �class�
ERROR4)/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.1.2/../../../../include/c++/4.1.2/iosfwd:138: error: �std::ostream� has a previous declaration here
ERROR5)/root/cc/unix-ce/mvfs/3pp/rogueTools.h/v7.0.3/rw/defs.h:544: error: using typedef-name �std::ios� after �class�
ERROR 6)/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.1.2/../../../../include/c++/4.1.2/iosfwd:135: error: �std::ios� has a previous declaration here
/root/cc/unix-ce/mvfs/3pp/rogueTools.h/v7.0.3/rw/tooldefs.h: In function �unsigned int RWhashAddress(const void*)�:
ERROR7)/root/cc/unix-ce/mvfs/3pp/rogueTools.h/v7.0.3/rw/tooldefs.h:424: error: cast from �const void*� to �unsigned int� loses precision
ERROR8)/root/cc/unix-ce/mvfs/3pp/rogueTools.h/v7.0.3/rw/tooldefs.h:424: error: cast from �const void*� to �unsigned int� loses precision
cdbg_CDBSP_cdbRS.C: In function �void cdbg_f1_init_scheduler(int, char**, unsigned32*)�:
ERROR9)cdbg_CDBSP_cdbRS.C:61: error: invalid conversion from �int� to �std::_Ios_Openmode�
ERROR10)cdbg_CDBSP_cdbRS.C:61: error:   initializing argument 3 of �std::strstream::strstream(char*, int, std::_Ios_Openmode)�
*** Error code 1
clearmake: Error: Build script failed for "/root/cc/unix-ce/root/subsys/cb/cdbg/obj_sched_csvON/Linux//cdbg_CDBSP_cdbRS.o"

clearmake[1]: Leaving directory `/root/cc/unix-ce/root/subsys/cb/cdbg/src'
*** Error code 1
clearmake: Error: Build script failed for "compile"

error 1 has the following code:

class _RWCLASSTYPE istream;

error 2 has the follwing code :
typedef basic_istream<char>           istream;        ///< @isiosfwd

error 3 has the following code
class _RWCLASSTYPE ostream;

error 4 has the following code:
typedef basic_ostream<char>           ostream;        ///< @isiosfwd
error 5 has the following code:
class _RWCLASSTYPE ios;
error 6 has the following code:
typedef basic_ios<char>               ios;            ///< @isiosfwd

error 7&8 has the following code:

inline unsigned RWhashAddress(const void* a)
  // For other addresses, mix in some higher order bits
  // into the lower order bits:
  return ((unsigned)a ^ ((unsigned)a>>3));
error 9 has the following code:
strstream tmpStrStream((char *),leni,(int)ios::ate);

error 10 has the following code:

unsigned long i = 0;
  RWCString iString(i2_argv[1]);
  size_t len = iString.length();
  int leni = (int) len;
  strstream tmpStrStream((char *),leni,(int)ios::ate);
  tmpStrStream >> i;
  g_cdb_key = i;


kind regards,