Can't ping new PCI LAN card x4270_m2


I've recently moved my pci LAN card from Slot2 Slot5 on my sun x4270_m2 server (solaris 10).

I've done the

touch / reconfigure



, however my issue is that im able to configure the e1000g7 port with an ip address ( but if i plug my laptop (set with static ip address of to the back of the server on port e1000g7 with a straight cable, i am not able to ping that IP address...i get 'unreachable host'

Does anyone know what I'm missing??


please post the output of "dladm show-dev".

Hi DukeNuke2,

Here is the output:

root@4b>dladm show-dev
igb0            link: up        speed: 1000  Mbps       duplex: full
igb1            link: up        speed: 1000  Mbps       duplex: full
igb2            link: down      speed: 0     Mbps       duplex: half
igb3            link: down      speed: 0     Mbps       duplex: half
e1000g4         link: unknown   speed: 0     Mbps       duplex: half
e1000g5         link: unknown   speed: 0     Mbps       duplex: half
e1000g6         link: down      speed: 0     Mbps       duplex: half
e1000g7         link: down      speed: 0     Mbps       duplex: half

Any ideas?

was the output with cable to the laptop to the port? also the output of "ifconfig -a" might be helpfull...

Hi Duke,
With my laptop connected, here is the output:

root@4b>dladm show-dev
igb0            link: up        speed: 1000  Mbps       duplex: full
igb1            link: up        speed: 1000  Mbps       duplex: full
igb2            link: down      speed: 0     Mbps       duplex: half
igb3            link: down      speed: 0     Mbps       duplex: half
e1000g4         link: unknown   speed: 0     Mbps       duplex: half
e1000g5         link: unknown   speed: 0     Mbps       duplex: half
e1000g6         link: down      speed: 0     Mbps       duplex: half
e1000g7         link: up        speed: 1000  Mbps       duplex: full

and the ifconfig:

root@4b>ifconfig -a
lo0: flags=2001000849<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4,VIRTUAL> mtu 8232 index 1
        inet netmask ff000000 
aggr1: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 2
        inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
        ether 0:21:28:8e:86:ef 
e1000g6: flags=1000803<UP,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 3
        inet netmask ffffffe0 broadcast
        ether 0:15:17:f0:62:1b 
e1000g7: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 6
        inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
        ether 0:15:17:f0:62:1a 
igb0: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 4
        inet netmask fffffc00 broadcast
        ether 0:21:28:8e:86:ee 
igb2: flags=1000803<UP,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 5
        inet netmask ffffffe0 broadcast
        ether 0:21:28:8e:86:f0 

I'm sure it must be some small thing that im missing, but I still cant ping (my laptop) from the server, or ping from my laptop.
Hope you can help :slight_smile:


try a "ifconfig aggr1 down" and after that, try again with the ping. you have two interfaces in the same net/subnet. so the ping might go out through the other interface.

aggr1 is btw a link aggregation which you can have a look at with "dladm show-aggr".

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Hi Duke,

Excellent! It worked that time.
I see the problem now, from the ''dladm show -aggr'', it shows:

root@4b>dladm show-aggr
key: 1 (0x0001) policy: L4      address: 0:21:28:8e:86:ef (auto)
           device       address                 speed           duplex  link    state
           igb1         0:21:28:8e:86:ef          1000  Mbps    full    up      attached
           igb3         0:21:28:8e:86:f1          0     Mbps    half    down    standby

so igb3 is the standby in my current config, whereas i need to have e1000g7 as my standby.

I suppose I can use the 'dladm create-aggr' and create the correct interface?

this is link aggregation! your switch has to supoort this! if you want network failover features you have to use ipmp!

Link Aggregation vs IP Multipathing (Nicolas Droux' Blog)