Can't find paths.h

I wasn't sure which forum to post this in. I am trying to compile logsurfer. After I run configure and the make, I get a complaint that paths.h is not found. I see three places where there is a paths.h:


I have tried running configure to include the last paths.h, but it still gets the error:

./configure --includedir=/usr/postgres/8.3/include/server/optimizer

What am I doing wrong here? Thanks.

What's your system?

The correct syntax to use might be available via the pkg-config command, pkg-config --cflags pkgname. I'm not sure what pkgname would be here, but you can usually see the available packages under /usr/lib/pkgconfig

Sorry, I left the OS type out. I am trying to compile this on Solaris 10.

I wrote the developer of logsurfer. There was a problem in compiling on Solaris. He emailed me a fix and has been taken care of on the download site.