Can't find path for shared library:


Any inputs about this one?

/usr/lib/ Can't find path for shared library:
/usr/lib/ No such file or directory
[HP ARIES32]: Core file for 32-bit PA-RISC application
[HP ARIES32]: /tmp/usr/local/bin/git saved to /etc/core.git.
ABORT instruction (core dumped)
bash-4.0# echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH
bash-4.0# echo $SHLIB_PATH
bash-4.0# find / -name -print

A similar problem was resolved in this topic, have a look it may help

@Hammadi dali
IMHO. This problem has nothing to do with HP-UX and/or the solution link posted.

Pleae post exactly (to the decimal point) what Linux Operating System and version you are running and a lot lot more about what software you are trying to run, what you typed, what you expected to happen, and what actually happened.
I may not be able to help you, but please provide detail for those who can.

Post the command you used to compile the executable and also post the output of the below command...

ldd -v name_of_the_executable_file