Cant close account


Can someone point me in the direction of the "close account" or "delete account" page, as i no longer want my account.

I have sent 2 messages to the webmaster who has just ignored my message, and there is no advice in the faq and googling brings no answer.

I want to remove my account as my user name is my full name and I no longer want it to show up in google.


Unfortunatly we moderators cant do much to help you, only the admins can...
There was an option : using your supply of bits to change your name but how to get bit required bits unless being active here I dont remember ( donate using PayPal ? ) here again you will have to see with the admins, I am mentionning this option because I fear that to remove you may also you cannot come back with a new ID using the information you used when you registered the first time...

You will have to wait for an admin to contact you or you try to contact them...

All the best