Cannot create user using SMITTY

i'm using smitty to create user...what happen is it prompt me "failed" with error

3004-703 Check "/etc/security/login.cfg" file. 
3004-691 Error changing "shell". 
3004-703 Check "/usr/lib/security/mkuser.default" file. 
3004-721 Could not create user. 
3004-703 Check "/usr/lib/security/mkuser.sys" file. 
in the machin that i have problem
ls -lrt /usr/lib/security/mkuser.sys
-rwxr-x---    1 root     security       1947 Jun 23 2007  /usr/lib/security/mkuser.sys

in other machin thats working fine 
ls -lrt /usr/lib/security/mkuser.sys
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     security         24 Jul 09 2010  /usr/lib/security/mkuser.sys -> /etc/security/mkuser.sys

stupid question but you are running smitty as root, right?

yes i am

what about /etc/security/login.cfg. has it been changed? The first error appears to be related to this file and the rest are probably just a consequence of the failure of that one.

no the /etc/security/login.cfg. did not changed

more information

i can modify and delete any user account but creating user is what i have problem with it

Can you create a user with the "mkuser" command like this:

host:/:$ lsuser user1
3004-687 User "user1" does not exist.
host:/:$ mkuser user1
host:/:$ lsuser user1
user1 id=221 pgrp=staff groups=staff home=/home/user1 shell=/usr/bin/ksh login=true su=true rlogin=true daemon=true admin=false sugroups=ALL admgroups= tpath=nosak ttys=ALL expires=0 auth1=SYSTEM auth2=NONE umask=22 registry=files SYSTEM=compat logintimes= loginretries=0 pwdwarntime=5 account_locked=false minage=0 maxage=0 maxexpired=8 minalpha=2 minother=2 mindiff=0 maxrepeats=8 minlen=0 histexpire=26 histsize=0 pwdchecks= dictionlist= fsize=-1 cpu=-1 data=-1 stack=-1 core=-1 rss=-1 nofiles=-1 roles=

dear kah00na its gives me this error agine

>mkuser khaled
3004-703 Check "/etc/security/audit/config" file.
3004-691 Error changing "auditclasses".
3004-703 Check "/usr/lib/security/mkuser.default" file.
3004-721 Could not create user.
3004-703 Check "/usr/lib/security/mkuser.sys" file.
 : The file access permissions do not allow the specified action.

Have you auditing turned on? (Check with audit query as root.)

If so, could you please expand about its configuration?


audit>audit on
** auditing enabled already
A system call received a parameter that is not valid.
audit query
auditing on
bin processing off
audit events:
        realsecure - ACCT_Disable,ACCT_Enable
        general - USER_SU,PASSWORD_Change,FILE_Unlink,FILE_Link,FILE_Rename,FS_Chdir,FS_Chroot,PORT_Locked,PORT_Change,FS_Mkdir,FS_Rmdir,USER_Login,USER_Logout,USER_Change,USER_Remove,USER_Create,USER_Locked,USER_Unlocked,GROUP_Create,GROUP_Remove
        SRC - SRC_Start,SRC_Stop,SRC_Addssys,SRC_Chssys,SRC_Delssys,SRC_Addserver,SRC_Chserver,SRC_Delserver
        ALL - AUD_CONFIG_WR,S_USER_WRITE,S_PASSWD_READ,S_PASSWD_WRITE,S_LOGIN_WRITE,S_LIMITS_WRITE,S_GROUP_WRITE,S_ENVIRON_WRITE,ACCT_Disable,ACCT_Enable,USER_SU,PASSWORD_Change,FILE_Unlink,FILE_Link,FILE_Rename,FS_Chdir,FS_Chroot,PORT_Locked,PORT_Change,FS_Mkdir,FS_Rmdir,USER_Login,USER_Logout,USER_Change,USER_Remove,USER_Create,USER_Locked,USER_Unlocked,GROUP_Create,GROUP_Remove,SRC_Start,SRC_Stop,SRC_Addssys,SRC_Chssys,SRC_Delssys,SRC_Addserver,SRC_Chserver,SRC_Delserver,AUD_It,FILE_Write,PROC_Delete,SHM_Detach,SHM_Open,FILE_Close,FILE_Open,FILE_Stat,FILE_Dupfd,FILE_Read,FILE_Owner,FILE_Accessx,PROC_SetGroups,PROC_RealGID,PROC_Limits,PROC_SetUserIDs,WLM_assign,AUD_Proc,PROC_Privilege,TCP_ksocket,TCP_kconnect,TCP_kclose,PROC_Execute,FILE_Pipe,PROC_Create,TCB_Exec,PROC_LoadMember,PROC_LoadError,TCP_ksetopt,TCP_kbind,PROC_Load,WLM_set,TCP_klisten,FILE_Mknod,FILE_Mode,PROC_Sysconfig,PROC_Setpgid,SEM_Create,PROC_Environ,TCP_kaccept,TCP_kshutdown,INIT_Start,FILE_Utimes,MSG_Create,SHM_Create,SEM_Op,FILE_Fchmod,RTSEM_Init,SEM_Delete,RTSEM_Destroy,PROC_Setpri,FILE_Symlink,INIT_End,FILE_ReadXacl,FILE_WriteXacl,PROC_Kill,RTSEM_Post,RTSEM_Wait,RTSEM_TryWait,TCP_ksocketpair,MSG_Write,MSG_Read,MSG_Mode,FILE_Fchown,PROC_SetPri,CRON_Start,CRON_Finish,FILE_StatAcl,SHM_Mode,SHM_Close,FS_Fchdir,PROC_Adjtime,SENDMAIL_Config,MAIL_ToUser,USER_Chpass,PASSWORD_Flags,PROC_SysParm,DEV_Configure,DEV_Create,DEV_Change,FILE_StatPriv,FILE_FReadXacl,FILE_FWriteXacl,TCPIP_connect,TCPIP_access,TCPIP_data_out,TCP_kreceive,TCPIP_data_in,FILE_Acl,USER_Check,PASSWORD_Check,GROUP_User
audit objects:
                 w = AUD_CONFIG_WR
                 w = S_GROUP_WRITE
                 w = S_ENVIRON_WRITE
                 w = S_LIMITS_WRITE
                 r = S_PASSWD_READ
                 w = S_PASSWD_WRITE
                 w = S_LOGIN_WRITE
                 w = S_USER_WRITE

Ok, there is no "out-of-the-book" solution so the only way to solve the problem is methodical exclusion of possible culprits. Some *possible* reasons:

  1. Usually "/usr/lib/security/mkuser.sys" is a link to "/etc/security/mkuser.sys". Are the two files different? What about their permissions? What is the content of the file(s)?

  2. in "/etc/security/login.cfg" is a "usw:" stanza with a line "shells = [...]". This is a list of allowed login shells - do the entries in "mkuser.sys" maybe contradict this? (like in: defining a shell as login shell which is not in the allowed login shells)

  3. Maybe the auditing is causing the troubles. Try shutting down auditing ( audit shutdown ) and then try to create the user.

I hope this helps.


Let's see your "/etc/security/login.cfg" file and check if anything's wrong with it.

can u attach output of "truss mkuser khaled"? if there is a permission problem we can see.

dears i solve the problem by copying the config file from node b to node a and ist works fine

thanks all