Cannot connect to rest of network/internet

I have a solaris 9 system that cannot get to the internet and cannot ping outside of the router. I can ping any other system on this campus but when i try to ping any other system outside of the campus im on i get unreachable.

Here is the systems info:

Here is the print out of the netstat -rn: U 1 86 eri0 U 1 0 eri0
default UG 1 86 UH 21 1795 lo0

Please help, i am all by my self on this one. Need to know anything else let me know.


it seem they is an acl or firewall on router that is blocking icmp
check your router logs or fiewall logs

I dont think that is the case since other computers connected to the same router can get to the internet and the rest of the network.

You are hitting your default router...the use is 86. Are you sure that is the right default router? If the unreachables are being sent by it, the problem is not on your box. You need traceroute. Do a traceroute to various sites and see how far you get.

I did a traceroute from some of the systems that are working and found that they are using as the default. So i changed the default on the other system to this and "cha chink' i can ping the DNS server. That works now but i still cannot get to any website through Netscape.

Any ideas

Ping those systems. And traceroute them. Can you send ip packets at all? Or is your netscape simply broken?

And go to those working systems. Compare the rest of your setup to theirs. Are they installing extra routes? Using the same netmask as you? If they work and you're broken, just copy their setup.

Thanks, Ill check into that on monday and compare.

Another thing causing a problem now that the gateway is setup right. I am finally able to get my NIS clients to recognize the server. When logging in to a NIS account the logon process begins and the splash screen comes up, then the desktop back ground comes up, then the system flashes again and logs itself back out. Have any idea what could be causing this?

Beats me. I don't use NIS.