Can we get output on ls | wc -l command on the same line?

can we get o/p of

ls | wc - l

command on the same line.

[root blg]# ls nc*010412* | wc -l
[root blg]# ls nc*010412* | wc -l
[root blg]# ls nc*050412* | wc -l
[root blg]# ls nc*040412* | wc -l
[root blg]# ls nc*070412* | wc -l

my expectation is grepping specific lines from the file and getting output like this

010412   23
050412   24
040412   23
070412   22
dt=010412;echo $dt $(ls nc*$dt*|wc -l)

try this one

wc -l cat *

will not work for 2 reasons:

1) the requirement is to get the number of files with the pattern and not the number of lines in the files.

2) the first output line will be

wc: 0653-755 Cannot open cat.



text contents are

^[]0;root blg]# ls nc*010412* | wc -l
^[]0;root blg]# ls nc*010412* | wc -l
^[]0;root blg]# ls nc*010412* | wc -l
^[]0;root blg]# ls nc*010412* | wc -l

error msg is

dt=010412;echo $dt $(ls nc*$dt*|wc -l) <sagar1.txt
nc*010412* not found
010412 0

i m not clear but if you want to use ls and wc commd with together, maybe try this :wink:

# echo "ls nc*010412*|wc -l"|awk '{x=$0;gsub(/nc\*|\*\|wc/,"",$2);printf "%s\t",$2;system(x)}'

error msg is like this

sh: root^G[:  not found.
        sh: 24:  not found.
blg]#   sh: ^[]0:  not found.

This is unclear..

This will not work, you cannot redirect into echo...

Could you post the content of sagar1.txt ?

sagar1 is attached here with

thanks for the reply