Can Veritas DMP & EMC PowerPath coexist?

We currently have a Solaris box connected to a Clariion storage system that is utilising DMP for path failover. I would prefer to use EMC's Powerpath and was wondering if the two can coexist?

Basically, I am struggling to find any documentation on the subject and was wonder if anyone can give me some pointers.

Many Thanks!

it could, but makes no sense. if you are using PowerPath the multi-ways to the storage are hidden and converted to one virtual path, before DMP is loaded. (same with VxDMP and MPxIO). You will see the result with " vxdmpadm listctlr all"

regards pressy

Thanks for the reply!

Sorry, I mean can they coexist or do I need to disable one to use the other? Or does one take preference over the other?

I know Power Path intercepts I/O before it reaches the subsystem, but what happens if you have DMP installed?