Can I restore from a flash archive without re-entering the basic sys info?

I would like to be able to take adhoc backups of my
systems using flash archive - flarcreate - and then
restore from them to the same system without having
to enter the basic configuration again when I boot
from the Solaris CD.

So, I'd like to be able to create a flar archive
which I can then restore from without having the
enter the nodename, IP addresses, disk partitions,
regional information etc. as this will not have
changed at all. Is this possible?

I know I could use customised jumpstart but even here
I if think I would have to setup the syscfgid and
profile files to handle the configuration rather than
rely on what is in the flar archive.

Is what I am trying to possible or is the information
I'm trying to re-use not held within the flash


i think you'll need a jumstart server for that in your network. with "jet" (you can download jet at sun) this is realy easy to setup...