can i do XML parsing usind sed

Hi all...

I want to parse a xml filein unix .. Can i use SED or unix script to parse the xml file .. If so can anyone show a sample script that will parse the xml file ..

Thanks in advance,
Arun ,,,,

Can you show the sample input and output required?

<guest1> a1 </guest1>
<guest2> a2 </guest2>
<guest1> a3 </guest1>
<guest2> a4 </guest2>

can u please give an example to parse the example ... Either by SED or by unix script.

Thanks in advance,
Arun ..

$ awk -v tag="</guest>" ' />.*</ { gsub("<[^>]*>","") ; str = str ? str " " $0 : $0 }
>      $0 ~ tag { print str; str="" } ' file
 a1   a2
 a3   a4