can C language received information from Linux/Unix

Hi ! Can C -langauge interface with Unix/Linux?
Currently i have written a application for SMS using C programing. I would like to know if i am able to receive information from Unix/Linux so that it can activate the application.

Yes, c can interface with linux/unix. What sort of info do want to recieve? If you just want your program automatically started at a certain time you can use cron.

Hi Perderabo,

I want my SMS application which is written in C++ to send out the error code which is extract from the machine. The machine itself is using HP-UNix. The machine will generate an error code once its encounter an error. I hope to extract this error code from the machine and send to my SMS application so that the users can be notified and attend the error promptly. Users will received the error code throught SMS to their mobile phone

hi johnson,
i also want to do the same thing(SMS application which is written in C++). can you help me by telling how you solve it

Hi Perderabo,

I want my SMS application which is written in C++ in linux to send out the error code which is extract from the machine. can you help me?

There is a mail client available called mailx on HP-UX and mail on Linux. From the command line you can do stuff like:
echo message | mailx
or whatever the email address of your phone is. Because this is sms, you must be careful to keep the message short. That is the only difference bewteen sms and regular email.

From c or c++ your can use system or popen to invoke mailx (or mail) and send a message.