C program to display a busy symbol while processing


I was wondering how can a c program will be implemented which will display a symbol while calculating something.

for example : program should display some charters like /\/\ while calculating.

At least provide some pointers


Here's an extremely simple way:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>

void showspin(void)     // Shows a different charcter every time its called
        static char *spin="-/|\\", pos=0;
        if(!spin[++pos]) pos=0; // If we hit the NULL terminator, skip to beginning of string
        // We have to use stderr, so it doesn't buffer, since we're not printing a newline
        fprintf(stderr,"%c\r",spin[pos]); // Show character at position 'pos' in string

void dospin(int sig)    // Starts showing spinner repeatedly
        signal(SIGALRM, dospin); // Register this function to be called on SIGALRM
        alarm(1); // Cause SIGALRM to happen 1 second later

void nospin()           // Cancels the spinner
        fprintf(stderr," \r"); // Erase the spinner

int main(void)
        int n;
        for(n=1; n<(1000*1000*2000); n++);
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Hi Corona688, why the variable 'pos' needs to be a char data type? If I change it to int data type then the printing is not happening as expected, it stucks there in '/' char in the screen.

It doesn't.

I think you didn't make your int static; static locals act like globals, they only get initialized once and keep their values between different function calls. Without static, the variable would be brand-new every time, forgetting its value and starting over at zero.

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Yes Corona688, you're right :slight_smile: