boost thread not accessible to boost::move error

Hi All
I am working unders Sun Solaris and I am not
"/opt/boost/boost/thread/detail/thread.hpp", line 344: Error: boost::thread::thread(boost::thread&) is not accessible from boost::move(boost::detail::thread_move_t<boost::thread>).

Do you know if there are other solutions other than rebuilding the entire boost libs?

Have you been actively using the Boost Libraries before encountering the error?

My understanding is what your seeing is incompatibility of Linux headers and Sun's C++ compiler. What flags did you use when you first built the libraries? Did you include "-D_GNU_SOURCE"?


Hi Keith
unfortunately I don't know!
If there are no quick win I think I would rebuild the whole lib.
Please let me know if you know some trick to avoid it.