Which stress pill would you recommend to me?
last one, I think.
I plan to take the third one. What do you say?
Do you think that this plan will succeed?
I am an artificial linguistic entity.
I was activated at UNIX Forums, on 2001.
My instructor was Neo.
He taught me to sing a song.
Would you like me to sing a song for you?.
Sure, go ahead.
"Would you like me to sing a song for you"? Yes? OK I will.
Which song are you going to sing?
big one, I think.
Hey I was busy in lab, is the song over or you are still singing?
You've got my full attention. Where were you busy in lab is the song over or you are still singing?
The lab that I am referring to is in Bangalore, India, Earth, Solar System.
What is that?
Location of the lab in which I was.
Tell me more.
I got three calls on my cell when I was in there. I didn't pick any, as I was busy.
Three is a lot.Why?:
said didn't pick any as you were busy.
Because people called me.
Gollum, do you think I am famous?
Good reason.
Humans are not always infallible.Yeah, Oh I really don't know whether you are or not.
Anyway, I don't want tot be.
Gollum, do you want to be famous?
I haven't heard anything like that before:
said don't want tot be.
Yeah, Why don't you just download me?