Blade 6000 & Jumpstart - any wisdom?

I'm getting ready to Jumpstart several Blade 6000s populated with a mixture of 6300 & 6340 Blades. This will be my first Blade deployment - is there any conventional wisdom I should be aware of with regard to the JS process?

Just to be clear - I know how to use Jumpstart, so I'm not asking for step-by-step instructions here.. just wondering if anybody here can share advice based on past experience.


I have no experience of the Blades you mention in particular, but two things that have caused a project I have worked on some consternation were:

  1. The hardware/vendor platform used can be that from uname (uname -m) or sometime what is displayed at the top of prtdiag e.g. SUNW,A70 or Ultra-25 depending on the particular hardware, a run of snoop or ethereal on the DHCP server to see what your Blades are sending out as their hardware identifier will resolve that one.

  2. The other is older versions of firmware annnouncing their MAC address as being that of the router rather than themsleves(!) solved with an OBP update.

Well, with the T6300 using the T1 (Niagara) CPU you should create the image to boot from the JS with add_install_client with the "sun4v" architecture.

Second thing is that you need to have a lot of patience if your are installing SUNWCall software cluster. The T1 is extremelly inefficient for single-thread operations.
