/bin/bash - variable substitution.

Is it possible with a bash variable to perform multiple substitution strings to one variable?

I have this variable:
echo $clock

What I would like to do with bash only it pull out just the "US" part of the variable.. which could be any number of countries.

this is where I am at:

echo ${clock:10}

echo ${clock:10#/}
bash: testing: 10#
/: syntax error: operand expected (error token is "/")

echo ${clock#*/}

So, am I just missing something.. or can I only do one type of substition with a bash variable?


Try this:

echo $clock | sed 's!.*"\(.*\)/.*!\1!'


colemar@deb:~$ echo ${clock:10:2}

colemar@deb:~$ a=${clock#*\"}
colemar@deb:~$ echo $a
colemar@deb:~$ echo ${a%%/*}

thanks, but I was really just wondering if I could do this all with bash. :o

I know that, but the problem lies that US is not alway US thus it can be more then 2 characters long... :frowning:

Then you must do it in two steps, as outlined above.
I believe there is no way to do it at once with bash parameters substitution.

Seems to be possible, though ugly:

colemar@deb:~$ echo ${clock//@(*?=\"|\/*?)/}

looks like that will do it, good stuff. I appreciate it. This will save me a lot of work creating a bunch of variables in a script :smiley: