Biggest files on FS /


I'm using Unix HP

I'm looking for a command which find the 20 (less or more) biggest files on / but which exclude every other files system


You'll have to find all files on the root device, telling find to exclude other mounted filesystems, and have it report the size in a common format (eg. in kilobytes). Then you can sort that output in reverse, and have head display the first 20 lines. Or, in code:

find / -xdev -type f -exec du -ks {} \; | sort -nr | head -20

A faster approach, without executing an external program over and over, would be

find / -xdev -type f -ls | sort +6nr -7 | head -20

On Linux, yes. On HP-UX (as the OP stated) it won't work as that find doesn't understand the -ls switch.

You're right.
Thanks hergp and pludi for your help :wink:

The -ls switch is not only available on Linux but also on Solaris. If HP-UX doesn't understand it then you still can reduce the number of executions of du (in my testdrive on Solaris by factor 40) using

find / -xdev -type f | xargs du -k | sort +0rn -1 | head -20

The hergp looks ok but fails on HP-UX when filenames contains spaces.

This visually inefficient method gives the correct answer very quickly.

find // -xdev -type f -size +1000000c -exec ls -lad {} \;| \
             awk '{print $5,$9}'|sort -n -r|head -20

If you have less than 20 files larger than 1,000,000 bytes then reduce the constant!

Works anywhere, but less efficient. Replace / with any mountpoint you want.

find / -type f -xdev -size +1000000c -exec ls -s {} \; | sort -rn | head -20