Biff service not defined in /etc/services

Hello all. I am getting this error on my mail log file at /app/syslog in AIX.

Sep 23 07:12:06 teamaix mail:info bellmail[430308]: biff service is not defined
in /etc/services

Here is what I have for the settings:

teamaix(root): / -> biff
is y
teamaix(root): / -> mesg
is y
teamaix(root): / -> cat .login
biff y
teamaix(root): / -> cat .profile
biff y
teamaix(root): / -> grep biff /etc/services
biff 512/udp comsat # used by mail system to notify users

teamaix(root): / -> grep comsat /etc/inetd.conf
comsat dgram udp wait root /usr/sbin/comsat comsat

Can somebody tell me how to fix this error? Thanks