Better way to do it ?

Hi All,
I have a file with 70 columns which is pipe delimited. I need to search certain values in column 13 and print the record line if it matches.

The following command works, but I think there should be a better way to do this.
Any inputs will be appreciated.

awk -F "|" '$13=="190" || $13=="191" || $13=="099" || $13=="192" || $13=="193" || $13=="198" || $13=="199" || $13=="298" || $13=="800" {print $0}' $filename > av01
awk '
     for(i=1; i in t;i++) a[t]
  $13 in a' myFile

Or try a regular expression, for example:

awk -F "|" '$13~/^(099|19[0-3,8-9]|298|800)$/' "$filename" > av01

instead of 19[0-3,8-9] you can also use 190|191|192|193|198|199