Best way to sort file with groups of text of 4-5 lines by the first one

Hi, I have some data I have taken from the internet in the following scheme:

phone number
open hours
menu url
book url


Of course the only line that is mandatory is the name wich is the one I want to sort by.
I have the following sed & awk script that its working but I would like to know my mistakes or if there is another (better) way:

set  -e


[ $# -ne 1 ] &&  echo "need file as argument" && exit 1
[ ! -s "$1" ] && echo "file is empty" && exit 1

# Delete duplicate empty lines
awk '/^$/{ if (! blank++) print; next } { blank=0; print }' "$1" > "$rnb"

# Sort name of restaurant
awk '/^$/{getline; if($0 != null) print $0}' "$rnb" | sort | uniq > "$rns"

while read rest
        sed -n -E '/'"$rest"'/,/^$/p' "$1" | sed 's/Cerrado hoy/'$(date +%a)' cerrado/'
done < "$rns" > "$1.sorted"

sample of the data

Cardamomo Tablao Flamenco
Calle Echegaray, 15, 28014 Madrid
918 05 10 38

Calle de Jes�s, 6, 28014 Madrid
914 21 55 65
Cerrado hoy

Calle de Alcal�, n� 67, local Izquierdo, 28014 Madrid
917 55 53 22

El Patio Vertical
Calle de Almad�n, 26, 28014 Madrid
914 20 16 63

Restaurante La Tragantua
Calle de la Ver�nica, 4, 28014 Madrid

Welcome to the forum.

Not sure I understood your script to its entirety, but for the sorting you could make use of an awk feature. man awk :

Applying this to your data sample, how close would this be:

awk '$1=$1' RS= FS="\n" OFS="\t" file | sort
Cardamomo Tablao Flamenco	Calle Echegaray, 15, 28014 Madrid	918 05 10 38	reservas:
El Patio Vertical	Calle de Almad�n, 26, 28014 Madrid	914 20 16 63	 8:30�21:00
Restaurante La Tragantua	Calle de la Ver�nica, 4, 28014 Madrid
Rodilla	Calle de Alcal�, n� 67, local Izquierdo, 28014 Madrid	917 55 53 22	 8:00�21:30
Verm�	Calle de Jes�s, 6, 28014 Madrid	914 21 55 65	Cerrado hoy
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sorry I messed the script copy pasting.
Will try your solution (and try to understand it), looks it will fit better my goals

---------- Post updated at 01:32 PM ---------- Previous update was at 01:02 PM ----------

As always man pages have the tips:

The input is normally made up of input lines (records) separated by
     newlines, or by the value of RS.  If RS is null, then any number of blank
     lines are used as the record separator, and newlines are used as field
     separators (in addition to the value of FS).  This is convenient when
     working with multi-line records.

What I don't understand its why its needed to do '$1=$1'

man awk :

So - $1 is assigned to, but without modification, and the new OFS (<TAB>, \t) replaces the old one (<new line>, \n) to result in a new, one line record prepared for sorting.