Best way to increment weeks based on fiscal start year

Is it the single quote, be it escaped or not? Or another character? Or doesn't your shell like that special parameter expansion at all? Without further evidence, I'm afraid your external help will become scarce.

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Hi Rudi -

I've tried your suggestions above and no luck. It seems as though my shell doesn't like the special parameter expansion at all.

Hi Rudi - any ideas?

Thank you so much!

Yes - many. But without your input it won't be possible to present any.

Hi Rucdi - what are you looking for?

I've tried your suggestions as well as many other tries but no success. It doesn't seem to like the variable expansion.

Let me know what else you require - thank you!

Some diligence and creativity from your side.

For instance quantitative answers to my questions above - WHAT doesn't work? WHAT did you try, and how did it fail? HOW creative have you been to circumnavigate the difficulties? What be your OS and shell versions? version sh (AT&T Research) 93t+ 2009-05-01 is not something that I recognise. And, even if it were a sh version, it should recognize some parameter expansions. Did you try those? How did they fail?

Hi RudiC,
That version output is from a ksh93 built in 2009. It is before ksh93 added printf '%(date_format)T' to its repertoire (in 93u+ ).

  • Don
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Shouldn't that read ksh (AT&T...)... , then?

EDIT: And, shouldn't that ksh version be capable to do ALL the parameter expansions we were talking about in this thread?

One could easily argue that David should have put ksh in the version output instead of sh , but that isn't what it does. David and Glenn have argued that ksh is frequently install as (or linked to) sh and that is the reason the output is the way it is.

No. The ${var//...} parameter expansion is not one of the ones defined by the standards (the ones in the standards are in all versions of ksh93 ). I think this expansion was adopted up from another shell (maybe bash ). I also think a recent version of bash adopted printf '%(date_format)T' from ksh93 .

Well, I'm confused, according to's man ksh , ksh93(1)


They are present in ksh93 93u+ and later releases. I don't think they were present in ksh93 93t+ .

HI Rudi -

I've escaped the single quote as well as placed double quotes around it. However, if I'm being completely honest, I'm having trouble understanding how this parameter expansion works. Would it be too much to ask if you explained to me?

Thank you.