Best Compression technique ?

Hi all,

I am working on a sample backup code, where i read the files per 7200 bytes and send it to server. Before sending to server, i compress each 7200 bytes using zlib compression algorithm using dictionary max length of 1.5 MB . I find zlib is slow.

Can anyone recommend me a compression technique to satisfy my above requirements.
I saw lz4 compression, but it does not support dictionary in it.

or Is there any way to improve the existing zlib algorithm ..??


Are you doing this as a shell script or a C/C++ application?

Hi fpmurphy,

Its for my C++ application.

Thanks for your reply..!!!



There are some benchmarks at Maximum Compression (lossless data compression software)

You'll probably need to poke around a bit amongst the different tables, and possibly look for a balance between speed and space.

Let us know what you choose -- best wishes ... cheers, drl