Beginner bash scripting - a few problems

Hey Guys,

I am creating a bash script on my freeBSD box, the script should basically ask the user to enter a username and domain. The script will take this information and basically append alot of information to config files so the user can receive email from that domain and create a web site at that domain. The appending to the files is working fine but I am having one problem.

The problem I am having is when I try to run the script, I get this output.

machine1# ./
1) CreateNewUser
2) Quit
#? 1
Please enter your first name:
Please enter name of domain:

./ line 16: USERNAME: command not found
Username test:
pw: invalid character `-' at position 0 in userid/group name

Below is the part of the code I am having trouble with.

OPTIONS="CreateNewUser Quit"
   select opt in $OPTIONS; do
       if [ "$opt" = "Quit" ]; then
                echo done
       elif [ "$opt" = "CreateNewUser" ]; then
            echo "Please enter your first name:"
            read USER
            echo "Please enter name of domain:"
            read DOMAIN
            touch username
            chmod 755 username
            echo "$USER-$DOMAIN" >> username
            USERNAME = `cut -c 1-15 username`
            rm username
            echo "Username test: $USERNAME"
            pw useradd -n $USERNAME -m -s /usr/local/bin/bash -h 0

please let me know if you need any more information. I know the code is far from clean but I just want it working atm.


USERNAME = `cut -c 1-15 username`

This should be like this without any space

USERNAME=`cut -c 1-15 username`