Bash scripting - Newbie

Hi all,
I have drill to do and I'll very appreciate your help:

Please create a simple CSV file as follow (3 columns and 4 rows):

o A,B,�C,D�
  • Please refer to the comma between the quotation marks as a parameter and not as a separator.

  • Please provide a script asking the column and the row number and print its content.

Thanks in advanced!

Welcome to the forums.
So is this homework? have you started with something?

hhhhhh.. no this isn't homework I'm 24 years old :slight_smile:
I have been studying it for myself.
This drill taken from a training book that I found, but I have no idea how to do it.


Well, working with the stuff from the book, i dont think that this is the first thing to do for you.
You might want to search the book index for 'IFS' and 'do/while loop' to read files.
If there's a chapter about AWK, then that might be interesting as well.

In my consideration, that (awk) would be advanced, while the 'IFS while loop' would be basic/intermediate (for you).
