Bash script to notify when ever any files are changed

Hi the following script let sthe user know whenevr any file is changed inserted or deleted in file system.
but i am getting following error while running bash script

if [ ! $# -eq 2 ] ; then echo "Usage '$0 folder waitseconds' " ; exit 1; fi
if [ ! -d $1 ] ; then echo "Folder name is false!!" ; exit 1 ;fi
cd /usr/local/bin ; clear ; tmp='tmppx' ; tmpp="${tmp}x"
f="find '$1' -not \( -name $tmp -o -name $tmpp \) -exec stat -c '%s %n' {} \;"
eval $f >$tmp ; echo -e "Please wait.. Preparing File Lists!!" ; sleep $2 || exit 1 && echo "Lists OK!!"
eval $f >$tmpp ; lcltmp=lcltmp;lcltmpp="${lcltmp}x";lcltmppp="${lcltmpp}x"
cretdif() {
diff $tmp $tmpp|sed -n '/^[><]/p'|sort -k3,3>$lcltmp
chksz() {
dtecs=$(awk '{print $3}' $lcltmp|uniq -d)
rmvdupf() {
for dup in $dtecs ; do sed 's|.*'$dup'$||;/^$/d' $lcltmp>$lcltmpp && mv $lcltmpp $lcltmp -f;done
fnddupf() {
for dup in $(echo "$dtecs"|sed 's|/|\\&|g') ; do
sed -n '/.*'$dup'$/p' $lcltmp>>$lcltmppp;done
chkfls() {
newrem=$(sed -n '/^['$1']/p' $lcltmp)
fix() {
sed -n 'N;s/[^ ]* \([^ ]*\) \([^ ]*\)\n\([^ ]*\) \([^ ]*\) \2$/\2 \1 \4 \3/p' $lcltmppp|
awk  'BEGIN {printf "%20s" "%30s\n" "%15s" "%10s\n" ,"File  Name(s)","Difference (Bytes)","-----------------------------","    ------------------------"};
{if($4==">")printf "%20s" "%10c" "%d" "%2s", $1 ,"+",$3-$2, " bytes";
else printf "%20s" "%10d" "%2s\n", $1, $2-$3, " bytes"};
END { printf "\n%31s\n%19s\n\n" ,"[End of summary list]","#########################################################" }'
cretdif;if [ ! -s $lcltmp ] ; then echo -e "No any changes!!..";exit 0;fi
chksz;if  [ ! "$dtecs" = "" ] ; then printf "%s\n%34s\n%30s\n"  "#########################################################" "[Detected  change of size]" "-----------------";fnddupf;fix;fi;rmvdupf
chkfls '>';if [ ! "$newrem" = "" ] ; then 
printf  "\n%s\n%34s%+61s\n%+30s%70s\n"  "#########################################################" "[Detected  new created files]" "[Type]" "---------------------" "----------------"
echo  "$newrem"|awk '{if (!system("test -d " $3) )printf "%-60s"  "%+36s\n",$0,"directory"; else printf "%-60s" "%+34s\n" ,$0,"file"};
END { printf "\n%31s\n%19s\n\n" ," [End of summary list]","#########################################################" }';fi
chkfls '<';if [ ! "$newrem" = "" ] ; then 
printf  "\n%s\n%34s%+61s\n%+30s%70s\n"  "#########################################################" "[Detected  removed files]" "[Type]" "-----------------" "----------------"
echo  "$newrem"|awk '{if (!system("test -d " $3) )printf "%-60s"  "%+36s\n",$0,"directory"; else printf "%-60s" "%+34s\n" ,$0,"file"};
END { printf "\n%31s\n%19s\n\n" ,"[End of summary list]","#########################################################"}';fi



'/ line 8: syntax error near unexpected token `{
'/ line 8: `cretdif() {


i am trying to call the bash script from php by using the following code.




$output = shell_exec \("./"\);
while \($i &lt; count\($output\)\)
  echo "The Search Data is " . $output[$i] . "&lt;br&gt;";


Kindly assist me why the unexpected token `{ error is being generated. If sed awk '' and `` thing needs to be done please do it in the bash script


Aside from the fact that this script is a great way to convince people that one-liners are hard to read and maintain, I would guess you did not write it from scratch. Since you do not appear to understand it.

Generally, we are not a code correction service. There are syntax errors in there, but the formatting and structure obfuscates that code to the extent that reading it is difficult.

Maybe some one else can see the problems right away.

What I would do is comment out most of it. Then run it from a command line bit by bit uncommenting and correcting code until it works.

BTW: if you are on Linux consider inotify - it does most of what this script purports to do.