[bash] Parse files


I've 2 folder A and B, they have files with the same name but different content.
I mean

A contain---------> aa.txt, bb.txt, cc.txt

B contain---------> aa.txt, bb.txt, cc.txt

but aa.txt in A has different content from aa.txt in B.

I'd like to parse the homonyms files in pairs using a script bash. In other words I want analize both aa.txt, then both bb.txt, etc..

Any idea?

thanks in advance


for file in A/*
  diff $file B/`basename $file`


really it doesn't work.
Return with No file or directory. But both files are in the folders

Seems like an error on the path



Are you running the script in the same base directory as folder A and B. Otherwise modify your script accordingly to point it to the right place.


really i give it the complete path like:

for file in /home/user/Desktop/A/*  do

    diff $file /home/user/Desktop/B/'basename $file'


its not 'basename blah blah' its `basename blah blah`.

The ` indicates a shell escape.

ok thank you

now it works

Don't use ` ... `.

Use $( ... )

It's easier to read... will save you on spectacles in the long run!