BASH-like feature. is possible ?

Greetings... i was wondering if there is any shell configuration
or third party application that enables the command history by pressing keyboard up arrow, like GNU/BASH does

or are there an SCO compatible bash versio to download?
where ?

just wondering
(sory my stinky english)

what shell are you using? and yes you can use BASH in sco. right now the website is not responding, but i am pretty sure you can get bash for sco, i just wanted to double check.


Most of the shells can use the arrow keys. Korn-shell (standard on your OS) can do it as well. It's just a matter of telling him to do.

"set -o vi" will set him in vi mode
"set -o emacs" will set him in emacs mode.

I think vi mode will get the most close to your needs. Maybe someone else knows the best option for you. (Don't know how bash exact works)

Regs David

P.S. : If it is your job to maintain a server, I'dd defintly choose for h,j,k and l. What happens if your server dies and you should boot up in single user mode? First install bash?