Barcode printing problem

i need help regarding barcode printing.
previously running foxpro under windows, im able to print barcode by opening the com port directly to the printer (Epson)
now, with unix environment, using Recital, im unable to print barcode to the printer directly. pls help.

barcode format required - code 3 of 9

FoxPro under Windows? Boy. It's been a while since I worked with that.

Anyhoo, how about some more information. Are you running under CLI or under X? Are TrueTypeFonts availabe to your application? Is your printer postscript compatible?

im running SCO unix v3.2 through TINY Term.
the printer using EPSON LQ-2180... it supports barcode printing

previously in windows, i manipulated the EPSON printer code i.e. chr(27) + 'M' etc and same goes to the barcode printing.

but now in this environment, it somehow does not output the barcode. pls adv


im new here so i need help on printer commands. see if any of u guys can help here.

im running SCO Unix v3.2 and programming language is Recital using the Vi Editor. i have a direct printer Epson LQ2170 connected to my PC. my problem is, i need to send barcode printer commands (for Code39) to the Epson LQ2170. according to the Epson LQ2170 printer manual, the command is as follow:
ESC ( B n1 n2 k m s v1 v2 c data

i applied the same formulae under Windows environment using foxpro and the code works perfectly. it is able to print barcode to the printer directly. however, when running Unix environment, it doesn't seem to work.

pls help. tq.

I am not real sure how to go forward with this one. I am thinking that something is filtering out the control characters.

That is where I would start first (but it's been a while since I have done any printer setup under any Unices).

You shouldn't really split off threads - you could have brought this up in your other one, but what the hey...

How exactly are you sending these characters? Do they need to be escaped? What do each of the variables "stand for"?

Can you provide all the information you know about it? Maybe then someone can help you.

merged threads --oombera

I have never heard of Recital nor foxpro. But maybe we can check to see if the printer is working. Using vi, create a file with a line of text in it and see if you print the text. I assume some command like "lp text". Should do this .

If that worked, use vi to create a file with one of your barcode escape sequence in it. To type the escape character, you will type control V, then hit the Esc key. Vi should display this as "^[". Keep going and enter the rest of your escape sequence. Now try to print this new file. "lp barcode" should do it.

If you get your barcode, unix is able to send escape sequences to the printer when asked. That will point the finger at the Recital thing. But if you don't get your barcode, your unix print software is not able to handle escape sequences.