Backup to SCSI Tape Backup aborts

I am trying to make a full backup of my system using the cpio command. The Tape Unit is a SCSI DDS.

The process started fine but after about 30 minutes, it just stopped and showed the following message:

1755 Signal 31 - Core dumped

Any idea of what is causing this and how to fix it?


The signal 31 is a termination signal that was sent by the system, which spit out the core dump.

What is the syntax of the cpio command you are typing in?

What are you backing up, just the filesystems or data that may be in use when you do the backup?

Does it display the error message while backing up a particular file?

Also what verison of SCO are you using?

The syntax I am using is:
cd /
find . -depth -mount -print | cpio -ocvB -C 1024 -K 1953125 -O /dev/rStp-0

I am backing root "/" and everything below it.

Hard to tell, if the problem was caused by a particular file.

Sco Version is: Openserver 5.0.6


Sounds like a file is corrupted somewhere in the root directory. If possible, rerun manually and follow its progress and see where it errors out.

also check the /usr/adm/syslog file for any messages that may help.

I also was doing a backup to a scsi tape and got the signal 31.

The cause: none of the above. :slight_smile:

You (and I) mis-spelled the name of the output file and so were backing up the hard drive to a file in /dev. When it hits the filesystem limit, you get the signal.

In your case, you added a "-" to the filename. In my case, I thought there was a link (named tape) in the /dev directory, and there wasn't.

Yeah, I know this response is later than you wanted, but I put it here so that the next time I do it myself, I'll see my own response.
