Background-Process with #>/dev/null


I want to start a new background-process like this:

/tools/bin/bretestdriver QMGR=$QMGR REQUEST=$REQUEST CONTROL=$INPUTSAS $TESTCASE #>/dev/null &
[Path/Name] [Parameter1] [Parameter2] [Parameter3] [Parameter4] #>/dev/null &

It doesn't work. like this it ignors #>/dev/null .

does anybody know how i could do this?

Thanks for your help
Lucae from Switzerland

Why do you want to do that ?

Are you trying to redirect STDERR and STDOUT seperately

processBlog 2>/dev/null 1>processBlog.output &

No I wasn't before :slight_smile:

Thank you very much, I just replaced # with 1 and now it works!

Lucae from Switzerland

Redirecting STDOUT to a valid log file is better

You might need that for debugging the application crashes and if there is no appropriate logging incorporated in it.